Calls are charged at carrier rate with no profit to us. Currently carrier rate mobile to the major providers is around just over half of a penny with landline calls priced at a just under a fifth of a penny. See full ratesheet for more details.
For single datacenter failover, in the event of a server failover, another server will take over from the failed server. For multi datacenter failover another server in a different physical datacenter will take over from a failed server this ensures continuity of service even when a datacenter fails.
Use a feature code to change the flow of calls, this is often used to provide a DAY/NIGHT mode service. ie as you leave the office dial *33 to activate night mode which could forward calls to voicemail or forward to a mobi le phone, upon your return in the morning dial *33 again to return to normal calling.
This feature allows calls to your extension to be forwarded to either another extension or even, an external number for example your mobile phone or a landline. A more advanced version of call forwarding that prompts you t o accept or reject the call is Follow Me.
Call Parking allows users to 'park' a call in a 'slot'. Another user can then pick up the call from the slot. This is typically used in smaller offices where you may hear, "Bill, there is a call for you on line one"
Tries to contact you at multiple locations eg: try office, then, landline, then mobile, then voicemail. Follow Me also can be configured to prompt you to accept or reject the call.
Time/Date based routing of calls for example route inbound calls normally Mon-Fri 9 to 5, all other times to voicemail. Built in holidays etc.
Calls can be sent to voicemail. Voicemail can also be sent by email as a link or as an attachment to the voicemail itself.
Plays back music on hold to callers. There is also a facility to upload your own custom music.
Powerful call routing where multiple extensions can be rang simultaneously or sequentially.
Typically used for things like, "Press 1 for Sales, 2 for Customer Services" etc.
Comprehensive phone directory.
View call detail records.
Block calls from spam callers etc.
Manage Queuing and Queue Agents.